Quality First Instruction
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) address the academic and behavioral needs of learners. Interventions for learners are implemented using a data-based, problem-solving process that matches the level of support to the needs of the learner, taking into account the learner’s assets and deficits. Effective universal instruction and intervention are provided for all learners, including learners with disabilities who need various levels of support to master content standards at grade level.
According to the MTSS model, Quality Tier 1 First Instruction should meet the needs of the majority of learners. 80 percent of learners should succeed with this instructional approach. A learner’s behaviors, skills, and dispositions of the Instructional Look Fors exemplify the outcomes of Tier 1 instruction, including access and interaction with challenging content, equitable engagement, learner agency, and relevant learning experiences.